Phil Johnson rubs my nose in it two days straight!

And he didn’t even know he was doing it. That is how the great and influential are. And even when he is sick, he is still amazingly good. For the second day, Phil Johnson is talking about his iPod. To understand the significance of all of this, read my post from yesterday.

On another note, In this same post Phil said “How did Protestants ever get from Bach to the insipid stuff we call “worship choruses” today?”. To that I say “The very truth. Preach it, brother.” I hope he spends some time in the very near future on that very subject. I was listening to R. C. this week and last, in which he was giving a 10-part lecture on the Reformation sola‘s. Yesterday was part one of Soli Deo Gloria, and reading Phil’s comments about the greatness of Bach’s contatas reminded me of the stories I’ve heard that Bach would write SDG at the top of all of his manuscripts as a witness to the Author of all of his talents.

btw: The top photo was not taken while I was driving. The one below, on the other hand. . . (The tach is on the left, and the speedometer is on the right. sdg)

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