The Ministry of Jesus

This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, May 6, 2007, and was taken from Mark 1:40-2:17.

This message tells the story of three men whose lives were for ever changed after meeting Jesus. In the account of these three encounters we get a glimpse and insight into the ministry of Jesus. Rigidly applied rules were the norm of the day in the religious establishment in Jesus.

1. In the story of the cleansing of the leper, Jesus’ ministry was to reach out and touch the lives of those whom no one else wanted to touch. Jesus defied every medical and religious principle in dealing with this man.

2. When Jesus heals the cripple, Jesus points the real need of every one of us. Looking beyond the obvious, Jesus looks into the soul and says “My son, your sins are forgiven.”

3. With the call of Levi the ministry of Jesus gives a new lease on life and new hope, by reaching out to the outcast and despised of society. Tax collectors in Jesus’ day were considered dishonest, unprincipled, and sellouts to their own people, as they worked for the occupying Romans.

In every case Jesus broke down the pre-conceived notions of the religious establishment. That is why Jesus described his ministry as “new wine”. We all too often avoid ministering and witnessing to people who are different from us. Is this carrying on the work of Jesus. Will we cary on the work of Jesus?

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