A Return

Well, I have not really been gone, but you know what I mean. I have been posting by way of the sermon podcasts that I have been putting up on the internet, but I have not been actually posting anything else. No views of what is going on in SBC news, no insights into faith or life in general, nothing. Hopefully, with this post, that is changing. I am sure I am not going to burn up the internet with my august wisdom – I never did – but I plan to put my oar in from time to time, just because I can.

Well, my wife and I are set to go to San Antonio next week. This will be our second convention. It may be our last. I plan to comment on that in the next few days leading up to our departure. There was a lot that disturbed me last year. I didn’t find what I expected. I saw a fight that I thought was worth fighting, but on reflection I am not so sure. It is not that I have come to see the positions of those anti-reformers of the Conservative Resurgence, because I haven’t. I have come to believe that, one, the problem runs deeper than one side is right and one side is wrong, and two, reform begins at home.

This second issue is the reason why I have been silent, so to speak, on the internet lately. I have been busy helping to take care of the issues that I see in my own home church. That is where I hope to concentrate the few future comments that I do make online.

That’s all for now. Now you can wonder for a while what bee is in my bonnet.

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