Genuine Spirituality

This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, July 22, 2007, and was taken from Mark 7:1-23.

Spirituality is popular: “I’m not religious, but I am very spiritual.”
How do you define that, and is it a good thing?
Most people define spirituality by giving a list: I go to church, read my bible, don’t go to movies, etc. This reduces spirituality to mere behavior. you can do some spiritual things and not be spiritual at all.

  1. vs. 1-13: Genuine spirituality has little use for mere conformity to external rules.
  2. vs. 14-23: Genuine spirituality is a matter of character.

Are you a spiritual person? Don’t give me your list. Tell me of your conversion.

  • The only reason someone goes to hell is because he rejects Jesus. False.
  • The only reason someone goes to hell is because he is a sinner. True.
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