Giving: a Reflection of Faith

An exposition of 2 Corinthians 8:1-15. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, March 9, 2008.

Stewardship is a major emphasis in the Christian life. Everything that we are and everything we have we owe to the grace of God. We are not our own, we have been bought with a price. Four words are key to Biblical stewardship: “He owns it all.” Your giving does reflect your love for God and your commitment to Christ.

  1. In verses 1-5 giving is a reflection of a genuine experience of grace. It all begins in verse 5 where Paul says “they gave themselves first to the Lord . . .”. The fruit of that is seen in the first two verses by “a wealth of generosity . . .” This also produces an eagerness to participate, seen in verses 3 and 4.
  2. In verses 6-15 observe that giving is a proof that new life has begun, a proof that your faith is genuine, seen in verse 8. It is not the proof, but a proof. Our generosity is a reflection of Christ’s sacrifice for us, as seen in verse 9.

Look beyond the brick and mortar and engage in a God-sized task. Invest yourselves, not just your money, in the gospel work to this community and around the world.

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