A Horrifying Beauty

badge-markAn Exposition of Mark 15:33-39. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, April 13, 2008.

Does it bother you that you can read the text before us with such ease? Have we become so familiar with this story that it has dulled our senses? We must be reminded that this passage is intimately related to who we are as children of God. May God grant us spiritual eyes to see what is going on in this human drama that defines the cross roads of all of human history.

  1. Behold the one utterly forsaken of God for us.
  2. Behold the glory of the victorious one.
  3. Behold the wonder of the one vindicated.

What difference does any of this make? It makes all the difference in the world, for now, and for ever. Do you know him?

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