The Danger of Compromise

revelation.jpgAn exposition of Revelation 2:18-29. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, July 6, 2008.

The man or woman of conviction is seen in today’s culture as, at best dangerous; at worst a real problem. Compromise is not always wrong, but there are those things which cannot be compromised. In this world of relativism nothing is true, so everything can be compromised. As Christians, there is one thing that cannot, must not be compromised: The gospel of grace found in Jesus Christ. What happens when we try to negotiate the gospel in an attempt to make it more palatable to the lost around us? That is what this morning’s text is all about. Today we look at the message sent to the church in Thyatira.

To compromise the gospel is to arouse, to ignite the anger of the living God.

  1. The piercing eyes of the Sovereign Lord penetrates the surface and probes the human heart. He knows the thoughts and intent of every heart, which is a terrifying thought for even the best of us.
  2. The righteous anger of the Sovereign Lord burns against those who destroy the church through worldly compromise. You cannot compromise and thrive. There is a payday someday. You may thrive now, but you will pay at the final judgment.
  3. Our Sovereign Lord lovingly rewards those who remain faithful to him. They will reign with him and he will give them the morning star.

We cannot, we must not compromise the gospel, with our teaching or our living, as we are called by our Sovereign Lord both to speak and live the gospel.

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