Amazing Grace

#11 in the Gospel of John series. An exposition of John 4:1-30. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, January 23, 2011.

It was the most exciting day of her life.  She had dreamed about it since she was a little girl.  It was her wedding day!  Months of preparation and planning all led to this moment.  The service was beautiful.  They were the perfect couple.  A few years into the marriage small cracks appeared in their relationship.  Before long those cracks had become gaps.  Eventually the marriage disintegrated and they divorced.  She was crushed.  She was certain she would never love again.  Yet over the course of time she fell in love.  He was a wonderful young man.  Nothing like her first husband.  Determined this time would be different she entered marriage with her eyes open.  Before long that marriage traveled down the familiar path…divorce, pain, heartache and shattered dreams.  The cycle was repeated a third, forth and even fifth time.  By now the once young, wide-eyed, hope-filled bride had grown old before her time.  She had become skeptical, bitter and hardened.  Love was a meaningless concept to her now.  She no longer bothered to marry.  She lived with this one and then that one.  But one day she met a man who changed everything.  He was unlike any man she had ever known.  She found love.  Real love.  Her story is told in the 4th chapter of John’s Gospel.

Text: John 4:1-30

John’s purpose in writing is to bring his readers to saving faith.
He is not writing as a detached historian – he is a fervent believer.

“There are other things that Jesus said and did that are not recorded here, but these are recorded that you might know that Jesus is the Christ and that you might have life by believing in his name.”  John 20:30-31

Chapter 3 tells of Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus.
Chapter 4 tells of His encounter with the woman at the well.
It is no accident John records both and places them so close together.

One a sophisticated, respected, religious scholar and influential leader. The other an uncultured, despised moral outcast. One a Jewish male. The other a Samaritan woman. You cannot imagine a more diverse pair – yet both needed Jesus! If you look carefully at our text you will note there is a great truth concerning the grace of God.

Thesis: God’s amazing grace brings hope and refreshment to parched and barren lives.

4 things about the grace of God are reflected in our text.

  1. The grace of God transcends all boundaries and barriers.  (4:1-9)
  2. The grace of God speaks to life’s greatest need.  (4:10-14)
  3. The grace of God confronts sin honestly.  (4:15-26)
  4. The grace of God transforms lives dramatically.  (4:28-30; 39-42)
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