Standing Firm

Amos #09: an exposition of Amos 7:10-17. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday evening, July 13, 2014.


There are times that we, as the people of God, are called to take a difficult stand.  Our message is not always cheered.  There are those who are offended by what we have to say.  Some are angered by our message, others want our voices silenced.  It’s hard to consistently stand and declare the truth of God especially if you want to be “liked.”  I want to be liked.  I don’t like to upset people.  I hate it when someone is offended by what I say or do.  So obviously I’m in the right line of work because no one is ever upset with the pastor!  Don’t you find yourself at times biting your lip at work?  Things are being said.  People are discussing issues of the day and there is something you really want to say but you know if you do – it could get ugly.  Haven’t you been at a family gathering and said to yourself, “Don’t say it.  Just walk away.  It’s not worth it?”  Yet there are times when you can’t be silent.  Times when it would be wrong to walk away.  How do we remain faithful to our calling as God’s people in a hostile environment?  Amos was from the Southern Kingdom.  He is in the North declaring God’s coming judgment.  The people of Israel are looking around and wondering, “What is wrong with this guy?”  They were enjoying economic and political freedom.  They were enjoying a level of prosperity not experienced since the days of David and Solomon.  This country bumpkin from the backwaters of Judah must be out of his mind.  Most wrote him off as eccentric but one powerful leader decided to address him head on.  Our text this evening is found in Amos chapter 7 beginning with verse 10.

Text: Amos 7:10-17

This is an interesting interlude.
Setting forth an exchange between Amaziah priest at Bethel and the prophet Amos.
Bethel was one of the two original shrines established at the founding of the Northern Kingdom.
We read about it in 1 Kings 12.

Jereboam was concerned that if folks returned to Judah to worship they would be draw back to the Southern Kingdom.  Thus he had 2 golden calfs made and said, “Here are your gods who brought you up out of Egypt.”  He then established shrines in Bethel and Dan and appointed priests to serve this new national religious system.  Amaziah is apparently the chief priest or high priest at Bethel.

Our text records what happened during this exchange.  From it we learn that…

Thesis: Standing firm in the face of adversity demands a realistic understanding of culture and a confident conviction of the truth of God’s Word.

Let me point out a few things as we work our way through the text.

  1. Standing firm demands you understand that times of testing are inevitable.  (7:10-13)
  2. Standing firm demands we take seriously God’s call and commission.  (7:14-15)
  3. Standing firm demands that you faithfully deliver God’s Word no matter what the cost.  (7:16-17)
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