Looking to Christ: the Key to Perseverance

Hebrews #19: an exposition of Hebrews 8:1-13. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, August 24, 2014.

Do you ever get discouraged?  Do you sometimes find it hard to believe?  Ever have those times when so many things go wrong that you wonder if maybe, just maybe, it isn’t true?  God isn’t really there.  Or at least He’s not that interested or concerned about your struggle?  Never?  Do you lie about other things too?  Living for Christ in this sin-laden world is a struggle.  Ordering your life according to the Word of God is not easy – especially when it seems you’re the only one doing it!  Living out the truth of our faith is difficult because it holds us to a higher standard.  It makes demands that are difficult to fulfill.  Love your enemies?  Pray for those who persecute you?  Turn the other cheek?  Deny yourself?  In a world that is clamoring for personal rights and personal choice and freedom we are told, “Count others as more important than yourself.”  So what do you do when the world around you is perfectly happy with the idea of your dying?  How do you continue on in the faith when the culture is bent on stamping out your faith?  How do you remain faithful when your faith is labeled “dangerous,” “subversive,” or “criminal?”  This is nothing new for the people of God.  It began early in the life of the church and continues to this day.

A small group of Hebrew believers were struggling to hang on to their faith.  Abandoned by their families and declared enemies of the state they faltered.  The biblical writer, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote to encourage them.  To give them reasons to believe.  Reasons to remain faithful.  Consistently he called on them to look to Christ.  He pled with them to fix their eyes on the Lord Jesus.  Consider what He had done.  What He had accomplished.  What He continued to do on their behalf.  His first century advice is just as valid today.  Our text this morning is found in the 8th chapter of Hebrews.

Text: Hebrews 8:1-13

When you falter – how do you go on?
When tempted to away from the faith – how do you continue on?
When discouragement becomes your constant companion – what enables you to believe?

Hebrews chapter 8 beginning with verse 1…

Thesis: When overwhelmed by life’s heartache and struggles; when you are tempted to walk away from your faith; look to Christ and find reason to continue on in the faith.

As we look to Christ in our text I want to point out 3 important realities.

  1. Look to Christ and consider the glory of His finished work. (8:1-2)
  2. Look to Christ and be amazed by what He has done. (8:2-7)
  3. Look to Christ and rest in the wonder of what His work has accomplished. (8:8-13)


When overwhelmed by life’s heartache and struggles; when you are tempted to walk away from your faith; look to Christ and find reason to continue on in the faith.

See Him seated at God’s right hand praying for you.  Understand that He bore your sin in His own body and has transferred His righteousness to your account.  He has become your God and you are His child.  You have been forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness and have been assured His continued mercy and grace.

Is your marriage in trouble?  Look to Christ.
Do you have a wayward child?  Look to Christ.
Are you burdened about your finances?  Look to Christ.
Worried about your future?  Look to Christ.

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