Our Glorious Salvation

Hebrews #22: an exposition of Hebrews 10:1-18. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, September 14, 2014.

It wasn’t that long ago belonging to the church was a great benefit.  Being a churchman gave you standing in the community.  It was good business to be a member of the “right” church.  Publicly professing your faith commended your character.  The church was respected.  Faith in Christ was an honorable thing.  Church schedules were given priority even in the community.  No ball games on church nights.  School functions respected church activities.  Prayer at ball games was expected.  Church doctrine was respected.  Not so much anymore.  Oh we know not everyone believed.  Not everyone was committed to the truth and authority of Scripture but biblical faith was treated with respect.  What happens when that is no longer the case?  What happens when the church no longer holds that honored position?  More than that what happens when the church and its doctrine are called into question?  When its cherished truths are considered foolish or even dangerous?  We are beginning to see.  Church attendance has rapidly declined.  Church closings are increasing.  Look in our own community.  Three churches have closed their doors others are fighting for their existence.  Along with falling numbers comes a loss of political and social clout.  Society’s moral compass has been calibrated to a new standard.  So that what once was considered evil is now declared good and what was good is now evil.  The result is a “falling away.”  Many are walking away from the faith of their youth.

Now, let’s look at this another way.  Yes, numbers don’t lie.  The church is not what it was.  However a closer look reveals the percentage of people who are deeply committed to the church.  Those who are convinced of the truth and authority of Scripture and are passionately committed to the church have not changed!  What has been lost are what we would consider “nominal” believers.  Believers in name but not in conviction.  Okay, but as the church declines and culture shifts, what happens when it is not just that the church has lost respect but the church is persecuted?  What happens when the church is considered the enemy?  Well, if God is there.  If the Bible is true…my question to you would be, “Where can you go?”  Do you remember when the crowds walked away from the Lord Jesus?  Jesus looked at his disciples and asked, “Will you go away as well?”  Peter said, “Where would we go?  You alone have the words of life” (John 6:68).  Salvation is found in Christ and in Christ alone!  That was the message to the Hebrew believers as they considered abandoning the faith and it is the message to us.  Our text this morning is found in Hebrews chapter 10.

Text: Hebrews 10:1-18

There world was crashing down around them.
Rejected by their families and targeted by the government – they struggled to believe.
Their was costly – 10:32-34.

The writer says to these frightened believers, “Hold on.  Christ is better than the best Rome or Judaism have to offer.”  He sets for the Lord Jesus as superior to angels, to Abraham, to the high priest and the whole sacrificial system.  As God’s final word he is unsurpassed in revealing God and in guaranteeing our acceptance before a holy God.

In this text the writer leaves no doubt…

Thesis: The sacrifice of Christ alone enables cleansing and forgiveness.

This is our greatest need.  All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and the wages of our sin is death.  Separation from God now and forever.  Left to ourselves, to our own devices, we are without hope.  But, the Gospel is that God has not left it to us.  He has redeemed us.  He has saved us.  There are three things about this salvation I want to point out from this text.

  1. The biblical writer makes clear the weakness and ineffectiveness of the Old Covenant. (10:1-4)
  2. The biblical writer declares the power of Christ to save. (10:5-10)
  3. The biblical writer glories in what Christ has accomplished for us. (10:11-18)

Christ died and rose again to make you and me perfect, forgiving us completely and renewing our hearts.  Heaven has been laid at our sinful feet.  There is no greater folly than to turn away from such a glorious salvation.

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