Demands of Following

Demands of Following: 2016 Gospel of Luke #37

LukeThis is an exposition of Luke 9:51-62. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, November 13, 2016.


Bonhoeffer called it “Cheap Grace”.  Some modern day Bible teachers have called it “Easy Believeism.”  You might call it “nominal Christianity.”  Whatever name you choose it all boils down to people giving “lip service” to the Kingdom of God.  People claiming commitment but showing little or no fruit of genuine life.  They’ve walked an aisle, they’ve filled out a card – many have been “dunked” in water – but have never genuinely been born again.  To look at many of them you would think their love for Christ was a mile wide.  But scratch the surface and you will find it is about an 1/8 of an inch deep!  There have always been those who are quick to jump on the band wagon.  Those who are carried along on a wave of emotion.  Who rise and fall on the ebb and tide of feelings.  Throughout the history of the church there have been those who “join the church” for the same reason they join a country club.  They want something that will help their public image.  Some are seeking a balm for their aching conscience.  There is no repentance, no change.  There is not a desire to surrender all to Christ – they simply want to feel better about themselves.

Of course we, as the church, cannot point the finger of blame at a corrupt society and say, “Shame on you for trying to use God in such a self-serving way.”  We must bear some of the blame for the message we have preached.  Where did they get the idea it was okay to believe in God for their own benefit?  We told them that!  This is the result of our preaching a “Burger King” gospel that says, “Have it your way!”  A Gospel that allows the sinner to set the terms of surrender.  We do not come to God in our own way – we come His way or not at all.  By the way, we are not even comfortable with using language like “surrender.”  I remember being told as a young person that, “You do not surrender to God.  That is the language of defeat.  That is not the language of love.”  But take a good look at the Gospel.  Apart from Christ we are the enemy of God.  We are the object of God’s wrath.  Our only hope is to throw ourselves on the mercy of God in Christ Jesus. 

It is a surrender.  I give up my life.  I must die to myself and begin to live for Christ.  That is demanding.  That is defeating.  And that, is the Gospel.  It is a costly thing to follow the Lord Jesus.  And if we are to be faithful to our call as witnesses of the Gospel we must be prepared to, “Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help us God.”

Our text this morning is found in the 9th chapter of Luke’s Gospel.

Text: Luke 9:51-62

Our text marks a major shift in Luke’s Gospel.  Note the opening verse, “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.”  The word translated, “To be taken up” in this form is only used in this one verse.  Its root is used several times and always in connection with the ascension.  Here it refers to everything our Lord referenced in Luke 9:22 – his suffering, rejection, death and resurrection.  “The days drew near to the work of redemption” thus, “He set his face to go to Jerusalem”

He fixed his gaze.

He determined.

He set his course.

His journey to the cross begins in earnest at this moment.  It will take several months and he will teach and minister along the way.  He will also continue to train the 12.  It is as much a spiritual journey as it is geographical.  This is the focus of Luke 9:51-19:27.  Ahead of him lies a murderous plot, the betrayal of one of his own, arrest, false charges, abuse, scourging, crucifixion and death.  He knew this and yet he set his face to go to Jerusalem.  He joyfully, willfully embraced the Father’s plan.  This is why he came.  This is the purpose of his mission.  We are called to join him on his journey.

What does it mean to follow him?

What will it cost?

Let’s consider the text before us [read text].

Thesis:  The life of a Jesus follower is no walk in the park but rather a life requiring mercy, self-denial, urgency and unwavering commitment.

There are 4 things I want to point out as we explore this text.

  1. Following Christ demands a heart of mercy and compassion not merely a head filled with doctrinal certainty.  (9:51-56)
  2. Following Christ demands you willfully embrace a life of self-denial and homelessness in this world.  (9:57-58)
  3. Following Christ demands you set the kingdom agenda above all other loyalties.  (9:59-60)
  4. Following Christ demands a laser focus and an unwavering commitment.  (9:61-62)

The life we are called to, is not an easy life.  It is a demanding life.  It is a life requiring mercy, self-denial, urgency and unwavering commitment. 

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