Marks of Genuine Christianity

Marks of Genuine Christianity: 2016 Gospel of Luke #46

This is an exposition of Luke 12:1-12. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, February 5, 2017.


I was shocked.  I was outraged.  I couldn’t believe it.  No.  No.  Tell me it isn’t so.  I was sick at my stomach.  Devastated.  I had just learned that professional wrestling was not real.  “You mean to tell me Scandar Akbar is not the real deal?  The Masked Assassins are an act?  I suppose next your going to tell me Roller Derby is rigged!”  It was a shock to my young system to learn that all was not as it appeared to be.  I watched wrestling every Saturday.  I used to watch it with my grandpa in his living room he would be wrestling right along with them.  I would be drinking my bottle of Pepsi with the peanuts poured in it.  We’d cheer for the good guys and boo the bad guys.  We’d scream at the dazed referee to turn around that guy just pulled a “foreign object” out of his boot!  And to learn that it was all a show – what a disappointment.

I have to admit.  I still will occasionally watch a little wrestling on TV.  It’s more outrageous now than ever.  But it just doesn’t have the same appeal.  It’s a show.  A performance.  Some are indeed great athletes.  I marvel at their strength and agility but I know it isn’t real!  Sadly I have much the same reaction for some of what I see passed off as real Christianity.  There are many things done today in the name of the Christian faith that are “flashy” or “spectacular” but are far more performance than reality.  Much of what is done today in the name of Christian worship has little or nothing to do with biblical faith.  Today, more than ever, the church needs to return to its foundation.  The church needs to return to authentic faith.  I’m not talking so much about “packaging”, as I am content.  It’s not so much what we do or how we do it as it is who we are.  I’m talking about core issues concerning how we think, what we value, what motivates us and what we trust in.

Webster defines authentic as “trustworthy . . . not imaginary, false or imitation.”  The word genuine means, “actually having the reputed qualities or character.  Actually produced by or proceeding from the source or author.  Of or relating to the original stock.”  The need, the call is to authentic or genuine biblical faith.  In a world filled with imitations, knock offs and look a likes – there is a tremendous need for the genuine article.  That is the focus of the Lord Jesus in our text this morning.

Text: Luke 12:1-12

Background for Luke:
     Theophilus, orderly account, evangelistic purpose

Immediate context:
    In the home of a Pharisee, 2 agendas (Pharisee’s & Jesus’)
    The resultant anger 11:53-54

Thesis: In a world full of imitations believers are called to exhibit authentic biblical faith.

In our text we find 5 marks of genuine, authentic believers.  These are characteristics of the real deal, the genuine article.  These are the characteristics that identify believers who exhibit genuine faith.

  1. Authentic believers live lives of transparent honesty.  (12:1-3)
  2. Authentic believers walk in reverential fear of God.  (12:4-5)
  3. Authentic believers rest in God’s providential care.  (12:6-7)
  4. Authentic believers boldly, unashamedly profess Christ.  (12:8-10)
  5. Authentic believers trust in the Spirit’s enabling.  (12:11-12)


We have been called to exhibit an authentic biblical faith.

One that…

Is marked by transparent honest.
Is marked by reverential fear of God.
Is marked by rest in God’s providential care.
Is marked by a bold, public confession.
Is marked by the Spirit’s enabling.

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