This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, November 11, 2007, and was taken from Mark 11:1-11.
History’s greatest moment has arrived, and the king of all of creation mounts a donkey and enters Jerusalem. In the text before us we have Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Mark reveals to us dramatically the ultimate purpose of Jesus’ incarnation. Who was he, and what did he come to accomplish?
- A Surprising Revelation: Jesus is making a bold, public, deliberate statement by his manner of entry into Jerusalem. In fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9, by riding in on a donkey, Jesus is stating plainly “I am the Messiah, the promised king.” But Jesus was king of a different sort; a king of peace and rest. If your heart is in turmoil, if you are discouraged, then look to Christ, who is the king of peace and of righteousness.
- A Prophetic Celebration: As the people announced him to be Messiah and prince of peace, they were fulfilling Old-Testament prophecy.
- A Shocking Declaration: Taken from Luke 19:41-44, Jesus declares the coming destruction of Jerusalem, as God’s judgment over their failure to see their need. Jesus is our great prophet, priest, and king. But we need to stop and listen carefully and hear the weeping of our loving Savior who weeps for those who do not recognize their moment of salvation. He wept over the lostness of the city. This the kind of God we serve and bow before.
Oh, that we all might be able to say this day “Behold our King!”