The Blessing of a Godly Mother

A Mother’s Day message from Proverbs 31:10, 25-31. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, May 13, 2012.

Today is Mother’s Day and our minds have become photo albums filled with memories.  Some of those images are in color while others are black and white.  A crowded kitchen or dining room overflowing with children and grandchildren; mom running back and forth refusing to sit down until she is satisfied that everyone has what they need, may need, or could possibly want!  There are pictures of a tired, battle-worn mom asleep in the chair in the wee hours of the morning cradling a sick child.  There is that picture of mom fighting back the tears because that child, who just yesterday colored on the wall with the permanent marker and ate out of the dog’s bowl, is today walking down the aisle to be joined in marriage to another.  For some of us Mother’s Day brings a picture of family and friends gather about a graveside bidding farewell to the one who brought us into the world.

As the memories flood our minds today each of us have our own stories of tragedy and triumph.  Yet a common thread runs throughout – it is the role mom played in our lives.  I was blessed with a godly mother.  A mom who loved me and was a constant source of encouragement.  I lived a “Leave it to Beaver” childhood.  Mom was there when I came home from school.  She sat down at the table, fed me a snack and wanted to hear all about my day.  Mom was always supportive and took up for me.  Don’t misunderstand, I got my share of spankings from mom but she was well…a bit over indulgent with me.  If I was having trouble in school her attitude was, more often than not, “Well what does that school know about educating a genius?”  She was protective of me, like the time she didn’t want me to get in trouble with dad.  He told me the yard was to be mowed by the time he got home.  I was finishing up the front when he pulled in.  I thought I was home free until he looked in the backyard and mom was still working on the back.  I couldn’t sit down for awhile after that.  Looking back I realize, I am what I am in large part because of my mother’s influence.  Which serves to remind me of the importance of a mother with a godly character.  Billy Sunday said, “Give a boy a godly mother and any ol’ stick will do for a dad” – I can’t go that far but a godly mother is a great blessing.

Solomon, Israel’s wise king and the author of Proverbs, describes for us a woman of noble character.  In Proverbs 31 beginning with verse 10 and running through to the end of the chapter he describes this woman of great worth.  These 22 verses in Hebrew form an acrostic.  Each verse begins with the succeeding letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  You could say, “Here we have the total woman.  She has it all from A to Z!”  I want to focus on verses 25-31.

Text: Proverbs 31:10, 25-31
This whole section is a beautiful song of praise extolling the virtuous woman or the woman of noble character.  As we make our way through this passage we will discover that…

Thesis: Fortunate, blessed, to be envied is the family with a mother of godly character.

Let me point out three (3) things about this godly woman.

  1. The mother of godly character possess an inward, quiet beauty.  (31:25, 30)
  2. The mother of godly character tenderly, compassionately cares for her family.  (31:26-27)
  3. The mother of godly character deserves honor and praise.  (31:28-31)

Today is Mother’s Day and what we are doing is thoroughly biblical.  Setting aside time to honor and pay tribute to our mothers is a proper and fitting thing.  When was the last time you praised your mother?  When was the last time you expressed appreciation for all she did for you and all she has given you?  She is worthy of your praise.  Oh, she may not be perfect.  She may not always be right.  She may have made mistakes but she’s been there for you.  Loving you, caring for you, praying for you.  Why not let her know you appreciate her?

I think God for a mother and a wife who exemplify this passage.  I have to agree with Solomon, “A excellent wife (woman of noble character) who can find?  She is far more precious than jewels.”

“Pastor, your right.  That would be a beautiful thing.  You were blessed but that’s not my experience.  Honestly, my mother was none of those things.”  If that is your story, I’m sorry.  I’m sorry you did not have my experience but I would say to you, since you are here, someone has been some of this to you.  Somewhere along the line there was a woman of noble character in your life.  A Sunday School teacher; a teacher at school; a friend’s mom?  A grandmother?  A mother-in-law?  Give thanks and rejoice in that kindness given as the gift of God’s grace.

You may have never expressed your gratitude to that person.  Wouldn’t this be a great day to do so?  It could be you’ve never recognized it for what it was until now.  Would it be great to express it in a visit, an email, or a phone call?  Perhaps that chance is gone but you can commit to being that for someone else.

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