Courageous Faith

This is an exposition of Hebrews 11:30 & Joshua 5-6. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday evening, January 6, 2013.

Have you ever been given an impossible task?  Called to do something you could not possibly do?  Robertson Elementary School.  The President’s Physical Fitness Test.  I hated that thing.  I didn’t understand why we had to do it – I don’t think Mr. Nixon ever got a report on how I was doing!  Mr. Robinson would say, “Rodney it’s your turn.”  “Do I have to?”  “Yes, everyone has to.  You can do it.”  I hated that bar.  I climbed up, took hold of the bar, hung there for a fraction of a second and then dropped to the floor.  “Oh, you almost did a pull up that time.  Nice try.”  Yeah, right.  It was humiliating.  It’s one thing to be the “fat kid” who gets embarrassed once a year in front of the whole class.  It’s another to be assigned to lead troops into battle against overwhelming odds. Joshua and the children of Israel had crossed over the Jordan River in miraculous fashion.  They were on the outskirts of Jericho.  Jericho was a large fortified city.  Most of the children of Israel had never even seen a fortified city.  They were not an army.  They were not trained and they were inadequately armed.  The battle was just hours away.  Joshua, their leader, was restless.  I’m sure he wished he could talk to Moses but Moses is dead and buried.  He was their leader now.  The mantle of leadership was weighing heavy that night as Joshua left the camp.  He wanted some time alone.  Time to entreat the Lord about tomorrow’s battle.

  •  Just ahead of him something flashed.
  • Not sure what it was, Joshua moved closer for a better look.
  • There stood a warrior in full battle dress.
  • A less courage man would have run but not Joshua he approached the mysterious figure.
  •  “Are you for us or for our enemies?”
  •  Joshua’s encounter with this strange warrior would become a milestone in his life and in the story of the people of God.

Text: Hebrews 11:30; Joshua 5-6 Hebrews 11= the “hall of faith” Great, shining examples of faith & courage. Context of the book of Hebrews = second generation believers who are being tempted to turn back and abandon the faith.  They are struggling to believe.

Thesis: Courageous faith overcomes incredible odds.

3 things about courageous faith from our text.

  1. Courageous faith requires a proper allegiance.  (Joshua 5:13-15)
  2. Courageous faith demands a proper focus.  (Joshua 6:1-7)
  3. Courageous faith demands obedience.  (Joshua 6:8-20)
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