Faith in the Midst of the Fire

Daniel #03: an exposition of Daniel 3:1-30. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, February 3, 2013.


Life is a series of choices.  We make choices everyday.  Some of them are obviously more impactful and meaningful than others but we make hundreds of choices every day.  Coco Puffs or oatmeal?  Coat or light jacket?  Give it my all or loaf?  Marry him or wait for someone great?  Choices.  While there are consequences to every choice some are more serious than others.  Of course the most important decision you will ever make is choosing whether you will trust Christ alone for salvation or if you will stand on your own before God.  It is that choice I want us to think about for a while this morning.  Too often we think of that choice as a “one time decision.”  While I admit there must be that decisive moment when you stop trusting in yourself, turn from your sin and trust Christ – that is not the end of the matter.  That decision leads then to other decisions.  That choice affects other choices.  Jesus said, “If you want to follow me you must take up your cross daily and follow Me.”  To belong to Christ is to daily chose to follow Him.  To chose His will over your will.  To obey His commands and to yield to His purposes rather than follow your own agenda.  According to James, the half-brother of our Lord, workless faith is a dead faith.  The life of faith is a life of obedience, a life of doing the will of God.  It is not an easy life and it demands remarkable courage as our text this morning powerful demonstrates.  Our text this morning is found in the 3rd chapter of the book of Daniel.

Text: Daniel 3:1-30

  • Daniel and his friends have been exiled to Babylon.
  • They have been trained in Babylonian philosophy, science and culture.
  • They have been groomed for service in the court of the king.
  • They have distinguished themselves through uncompromising faith.

In chapter 2 Daniel is given insight from God to interpret the king’s troubling dream.  God had a message for Nebuchadnezzar and the world.  The kingdoms of this world come and go (according to God’s desire) but God’s kingdom abides forever.  Nebuchadnezzar was told his kingdom was great and glorious (head of gold).  He was a king of kings thanks to God’s gracious gift.  But his kingdom, like of of man’s kingdoms, would be replaced by another.  Apparently Nebuchadnezzar didn’t like that message as his building project suggests.

This text serves to remind us that…

Thesis: The life of faith takes God at His word and willingly submits to His sovereign purpose.

There are 3 things I want to point out as we make our way through this chapter.

  1. The way of the world often stands in conflict with and in defiance of the way of our God.  (3:1-7)
  2. When faced with such a conflict you must exercise courageous faith.  (3:8-18)
  3. God sovereignly demonstrates His faithfulness in the midst of the conflict.  (3:19-30)
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