Hebrews #38: an exposition of Hebrews 12:18-29. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, January 18, 2015.
I’m convinced there is a crisis within the Church. We live in a time when many cry out for “relevant” preaching/teaching. “I need something practical. Something to help me get through the day.” The problem is, for many, that means a sermon about “how to be happy” or “how to raise positive kids” or “how to be the best you.” I’m not saying that none of that matters. I’m saying the need is for something much deeper and more substantial. The truth is when your faith is under attack and your fighting for your existence being the best you is not the most pressing concern! Contrary to popular opinion, truth matters. Doctrine matters. Theology matters. The book of Hebrews was written to a church in crisis. They have had their property plundered. They are being persecuted. Their lives are being threatened. They have been rejected by their families and what does the writer do? He gives them doctrine! Hebrews is very theological. He deals with weighty matters. Why? Because they needed to be thoroughly grounded in the truth if they were to withstand this great testing of their faith. This is not a game we are playing. This is life and death. This is about eternity. The writer of Hebrews pleads with the struggling believers to run with endurance the race that is before them. Push beyond the pain, the struggle, the agony – not in their own strength, not by sheer determination but by faith and by the grace of God. Our text this morning is found in Hebrews the 12th chapter beginning with verse 18.
Text: Hebrews 12:18-29
At first glance it seems the author has changed the subject.
I’m looking for the transition – where is the sign saying, “Now for something different?”
He was talking about running the race what’s with this mountain you can’t touch?
How does this fit?
It fits because this whole section is about trusting God.
It is about resting in Him.
The writer is reminding them of who God is and why He can be trusted.
As we work our way through I want you to understand…
Thesis: Finishing well requires theological balance and practical obedience.
There are three (3) things to note in our text.
- Finishing well demands a firm grasp of the absolute holiness of God. (12:18-21)
- Finishing well demands a thorough understanding of the wonder of God’s grace. (12:22-24)
- Finishing well demands reverent, obedient worship. (12:25-29)