The Necessity of an Authentic Word: 1 Kings #26. An exposition of 1 Kings 22:1-40. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday evening, October 4, 2015.
Paul warned Timothy that a time was coming when people would no longer “endure sound teaching.” Interesting word, “endure.” It means “to put up with” or “to bear.” He speaks of a time when people would consider it a burden to hear the truth. Rather, “having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.” A time is coming when folks, within the church, will gather to themselves teachers who will tell them what they want to hear. This will be a self-affirming, positive message to massage the ego and assure them all is well. Of necessity, such teaching will lead to a famine of the Word of God. Those who believe and teach the truth of God will be marginalized, ignored or even worse. While I believe there is coming a great apostasy before the end, such “ear tickling” is a present reality. Yet it is not unique to our day or even our era. We find the same attitude alive and well in the days of king Ahab. Our text this evening is found in the 22nd chapter of 1 kings.
Text: 1 Kings 22:1-40
Our text is the third text dealing with king Ahab and the Word of God.
The king was confronted by an anonymous prophet in 1 Kings 20.
He was confronted by Elijah in 1 Kings 21.
Now he is confronted by a third prophet, Micaiah, here in 1 Kings 22.
We’ve already noted that Ahab despised the Word of God but he cannot escape it.
Even here after his repeated refusal to heed God’s Word, there was a true prophet speaking the true Word of God.
Our text informs us there has been a brief respite in the conflict between Israel and Syria, “…for three years Syria and Israel continued without war.” We also discover that things have been going smoothly between Israel and Judah. King Jehoshaphat has come to Israel for a state visit. We know from 2 Chronicles 18 that an agreement has been reached between the 2 nations as evidenced by Ahab’s daughter’s marriage to Jehoshaphat’s son. While in town on this visit Ahab approaches Jehoshaphat with a proposition and this serves as the backdrop of our story.
[Read 1 Kings 22:1-7]
As we work our way through the text we are going to discover a valuable truth from Ahab’s day that applies equally well to our own.
Thesis: In a culture obsessed with self and longing for a faith that affirms we, the church, must faithfully deliver the true Word of God.
In a culture with itching ears – the need is for the truth.
When people crave affirmation – the need is for the truth.
When the culture demands approval – the need is for the truth.
There are three things I want to point out from the text.
- A religious veneer as a cover for self-interest only goes so far. (22:1-9)
- A true Word from God shatters the security of sentimental, self-serving religion. (22:10-28)
- To disregard the Word of God is to court utter disaster. (22:29-40)
The biblical writer doesn’t dwell on Ahab’s accomplishments for they are nothing.
All that matters is, how did he responded to the Word of God.
In the end this is really all that matters for any of us.
This is why…In a culture obsessed with self and longing for a faith that affirms we, the church, must faithfully deliver the true Word of God.