Living for God’s Glory in a Sinful World

Living for God’s Glory in a Sinful World: Nehemiah #9

NehemiahAn exposition of Nehemiah 6:15-7:72. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday evening, January 24, 2016.


You’ve often heard the Christian life described as a “marathon” rather than a sprint.  You’ve been told that we are to walk by faith and not by sight.  You’ve been taught that we are to live for eternity not for today.  Why are we told these things?  Why is it important for us to know this?  Jesus described discipleship as, “Taking up your cross daily and follow me.”  Jesus said that following him was a matter of daily death.  Further he said in this world you will have tribulation.  As the people of God we are to expect heartache, pain and struggle in this life.  It is important to understand that the Christian faith is not a fairytale.  We are not told that we come to Jesus and then live happily ever after.  Our faith is anchored in the actual world we live in.

Yes, the Gospel is the good news that God has lovingly and graciously provided salvation for us in the person of the Lord Jesus.  This is not a salvation we deserve or are owed.  It is freely given by the grace of God to those who repent of their sin and trust in Christ and in him alone.  At the new birth the Spirit of God takes up residence in you and you are sealed as belonging to God.  You, once the object of his sovereign, righteous wrath, have now been made his beloved child.  You have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.  You are declared righteous in his sight because of the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus.  You have been set on the path of righteousness and you are being made righteous by the work of the Spirit of God in you.  You are bound for eternal glory and nothing can change that.  But, you remain in this sin-marred world where you will “work out” your salvation in fear and trembling.  Our text this evening is found in the 6th and 7th chapters of the book of Nehemiah.

Text: Nehemiah 6:15-7:72

Don’t panic.
I know you see that text and you think, “Oh no, we are gong to be here all night!”
We are not – we are going to fly over this text and note a few things along the way.
This passage is a transition.

It is a summing up of what has been going on (the building of the wall) and it is preparation for what is to come (the building of the nation).

From this text we are reminded of a very important principle for Christian living…

Thesis: We live in a sinful wicked world and we are called to live and work for the glory of God in that world.

We are to make a difference where we are planted.  We are to be salt and light in the place God has put us.  This community is to be different because we are here.  Your home is to be different because you are there.  You are to influence your school, your workplace, your neighborhood, the organizations and community groups you are participate in.  Your life is to count for the kingdom wherever you are.

There are three (3) things I want to point out.

  1. Living for God’s glory in a sinful wicked world demands constant vigilance.  (6:15-19)
  2. Living for God’s glory in a sinful wicked world demands a clear vision and a shared responsibility.  (7:1-65)
  3. Living for God’s glory in a sinful wicked world demands sufficient resources.  (7:66-72)
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