Living in the Last Days

Living In The Last Days: 2016 Gospel of Luke #49

Living In The Last Days is an exposition of Luke 12:35-48. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, February 26, 2017.


For centuries people of all sorts have believed The End was near.  It was in 1970 that Hal Lindsey wrote, “The Late Great Planet Earth.”  Hal Lindsey said then, that the rapture would happen soon.  In 1988 a man named Edgar Whisenhunt wrote, “88 Reasons Why Christ Will Return in 88”?  He revised it for ‘89 calling it “The Final Shout Rapture Report.”  That apparently ended his writing career.  Prophecy conferences and retreats remain popular in Evangelical circles.  I read a fascinating book about 20 years ago entitled, “The Last Days Are Here Again.”  In the book the author traces the development of last days beliefs throughout history, both Christian and non-christian.  It is an interesting study in how culture and world events help shape people’s understanding of the age in which they live.

Through the years believers have differed in their understanding of this crucial topic.  Various schools of thought have held sway from time to time.  Contrary to popular opinion not all people who love God and believe His Word understand the Second Coming in the same way.  Genuine, honest and sincere Christians differ in their interpretations.  Some insist on drawing a line in the dirt and making eschatology a test of fellowship.  Others go to the opposite extreme and say; “It just doesn’t matter.”  In between lies a balanced, biblical position.  Dr. Tom Urrey, professor of Greek and New Testament at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, used to say, “When it comes to the return of the Lord Jesus I am dogmatic about only three things.  Number one, Jesus is coming again visibly, physically to this earth.  Number two, there is great uncertainty concerning the time and the specific events surrounding that return.  Number three, we had best be doing what He told us to do when He gets back!  Beyond that I have thoughts, notions and ideas.  But I can only be dogmatic about these three things.”

I am in full agreement with Dr. Urrey.  When it comes to the return of our Lord I have more questions than I have answers at this point.  There was a time when I thought I had it figured out.  I had a nice, neat system.  But as I began to read and study.  As I tested my theories, my answers seemed inadequate.  I know He is coming.  I am not at all sure about when and exactly how but I know I’d best be busy when He gets here.  Our Lord in Luke Luke 12 reinforces that position.

Text: Luke 12:34-48

Context of Luke’s Gospel: date, purpose etc.

Immediate context: He has been talking about those who are “foolish” in their approach to life.  They worry about stuff and what they will eat and wear.  Their minds are firmly rooted in this world.  Now He is going to talk about those who are wise.

In our text we learn some secrets related to how we are to live in this world.  Here, I believe, we find some practical advice on how to live in the “last days.”  Let’s look at the text.  As we work through this passage the message seems clear…

Thesis:  Believers are to live each day in light of eternity.

We are to live in this world in light of the world to come.  We live as strangers and aliens in this world looking for a city not made with human hands.  The old gospel song said, “You’re so heavenly-minded you’re no earthly good.”  I’ve met a few people who could honestly be put in that category.  I’ve met a bunch of folks who are so earthly-minded they are no heavenly good! 

But what does it mean to live in light of eternity?  What does it mean to live in light of the world to come?  We note three things in our text.

  1. Life in light of eternity demands a life of joyous expectancy.  (12:35-40)
  2. Life in light of eternity demands a life of diligent service.  (12:42-48)
  3. Life in light of eternity demands a life of eager anticipation.  (12:37-38, 42-48)


Our Lord is coming again.  His return is as certain as His incarnation.  I don’t know when He is coming and no one else does either!  But when He gets here, we had best be busy doing what He commanded.

How can you be ready?

By living a godly life.

By living a life of joyful service.

Ready or not…here He comes!

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