Category Archives: Paul Burleson
The End of the Race
This message by Rev. Paul Burleson was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church during a series of meetings entitled “Week of Renewal”, on Wednesday evening, October 17, 2007, and was taken from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. But I would not have you … Continue reading
The Tabernacle in the Wilderness – The Laver of Cleansing
This message by Rev. Paul Burleson was delivered at a luncheon gathering at Trinity Baptist Church on Wednesday afternoon, October 17, 2007, and was taken from John 13:6-15. Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, … Continue reading
Facing the Temptation
This message by Rev. Paul Burleson was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church during a series of meetings entitled “Week of Renewal”, on Tuesday evening, October 16, 2007, and was taken from Luke 4:1-14. And Jesus being full of the Holy … Continue reading
The Tabernacle in the Wilderness -The Alter of Sacrifice
This message by Rev. Paul Burleson was delivered at a luncheon gathering at Trinity Baptist Church on Tuesday afternoon, October 16, 2007, and was taken from Hebrews 8:1-6, Hebrews 9:11-12, and Hebrews 9:22-24. When do you receive the Holy Spirt. … Continue reading
Walking Clean
This message by Rev. Paul Burleson was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church during a series of meetings entitled “Week of Renewal”, on Monday evening, October 15, 2007, and was taken from John 13:1-9. Now before the feast of the passover, … Continue reading
The Tabernacle in the Wildereness – Introduction

This message by Rev. Paul Burleson was delivered at a luncheon gathering at Trinity Baptist Church on Monday afternoon, October 15, 2007, and was taken from Exodus 25 and other passages. Verse 8 of Exodus 25 is one of those … Continue reading
The Lot of Lot
This message by Rev. Paul Burleson was delivered at Trinity Baptists Church during a series of meetings entitled “Week of Renewal.” Rev. Burleson spoke to us from Genesis 13:1-12 Riches is not an evidence of God’s blessing. Riches are evidence … Continue reading
Going on a Race
This message by Rev. Paul Burleson was delivered at Trinity Baptists Church during a series of meetings entitled “Week of Renewal.” Rev. Burleson spoke to us from Hebrews 12:1-2. Introduction: 1. “Cloud of witnesses” refer to the martyrs in Hebrews … Continue reading