Unto You is Born a Savior!

Christmas 2012 #02: an exposition of Hebrews 10:1-18. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, December 23, 2012.


It was a beautiful starlit night.  The shepherds had gathered their flocks for the evening.  They were gathered about the campfire where they told stories and laughed.  It was a night like any other.  Like the hundreds that had gone before.  They recounted the events of the day, rehearsed the schedule for the next.  These were most likely “temple shepherds” charged with caring for those sheep that would one day be offered in the temple at Jerusalem.  Perhaps their thoughts turned toward David, the shepherd king.  He too had watch over flocks on these same hills.  It was a night like any other night filled with routine and monotony – suddenly there was a flash of brilliant light.  In their presence stood a fiery messenger, an angel of God – they were terrified!  “Stop fearing,” commanded the visitor.  “I bring you good news of a great joy that shall be for all the people.  Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  After telling them where and how they would find him, the sky was ablaze as a multitude of the heavenly host burst on the scene with the praise of God.  Then just as suddenly they vanished.  All was still and quiet.  No one moved.  No one said a word.  Finally one of them spoke, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened.”  They took off like a shot.  When they found the child they relayed the story of what had happened to them.  They returned to their flocks glorifying and praising God.

You know the story well, perhaps too well.  You’ve heard it recited by children in a Christmas pageant.  You’ve heard it sung.  You’ve seen it portrayed in moves and television specials.  You’ve read it year after year.  You have no trouble reciting the whole story.  But it’s lost its wonder.  It’s become routine.  There are many who make there way to Bethlehem to view the Christ child but they miss the shepherd’s path.  What is it that ignited their passion?  What was it that drove them to go in haste to Bethlehem?  It was that announcement.  Born to you is a Savior who is the Christ.  It was in the Garden after the rebellion the promise was made of the seed of a woman that would come.  A redeemer.  The Lord’s anointed.  Throughout the ages the people of God had longed for His appearing.  Now they are told, “He’s here!”

The glory of Christmas can only be known this side of Calvary.  The Savior has come.  Mary and Joseph were told to name him “Jesus” for He will save His people.

Thesis: The glory of Christmas is found in the wonder of Christ’s sacrifice which alone brings cleansing and forgiveness.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  And it was good.  He created the stars and planets.  He created land and sea.  He filled the earth with vegetation and life.  The birds of the air, the creatures of the sea, cattle and everything that creeps upon the earth.  And it was good.  As the crowning act of creation God created man in His own image and likeness.  Created to be in relationship with God.  And it was very good.  Through the temptation of the Evil One our first parents rebelled and the world was plunged into moral and spiritual darkness.  Sin and death reigned.  But God promised a Deliverer.

In the Garden God slew an animal and covered man’s nakedness.  The Gospel was declared.  The innocent will die to redeem the guilty.  Throughout the ages the message was declared with every sacrifice.  Now He has come.  Unto you is born a Savior.

In order to understand and appreciate the wonder of this statement we turn to the book of Hebrews chapter 10.

Text: Hebrews 10:1-18

  1. The limitations of the old sacrificial system.  (10:1-4)
  2. The purpose of Christ’s coming.  (10:5-13)
  3. The glorious fruit of His coming.  (10:14-18)


The Bible is clear, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” and the “wages of sin is death.”  The whole human family stands under the wrath of God and there is nothing any of us can do about it.  No amount of effort, no good intention, no ritual can change that.  But because God loves He provided the answer.  He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but would have everlasting life.  Even those who believe on His name.

So when the angel said, “Unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior” those shepherds were compelled to go and see.  Having seen the Christ they left rejoicing.  What about you?  Have you made your way to the Christ?  It’s my prayer that you will find the shepherd’s path and come with haste.

Understanding that… The glory of Christmas is found in the wonder of Christ’s sacrifice which alone brings cleansing and forgiveness.

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