Good News and Better News!

2013 Acts #20: an exposition of Acts 13:1-12. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, October 6, 2013.

George and Sam were avid golfers.  Avid is not the word, “fanatics” is more like it.  They just couldn’t get enough of it.  They played several times a week.  When they weren’t playing golf they were watching it or reading about it.  They were in constant pursuit of some means to improve their game.  Golf was an obsession.  One day they were playing a round and the 13th fairway ran along side a busy street.  As they were about to hit their second shot Sam noticed that George had taken his hat off and stood motionless as a funeral procession passed by.  “That nice,” said Sam.  “You just don’t see that kind of respect anymore.”  George said, “Well it is the least I can do.  I was married to the woman for 40 years.”  Sam and George then entered into discussion for the remainder of the round as to whether or not there would be golf in heaven.  The discussion continued for weeks until Sam had a heart attack and died.  Three days later Sam suddenly appeared to George.  “George.  I’ve got good news and bad news.  The good news is there is golf in heaven!  The bad news is you’re in my foursome Thursday.”

We are accustomed to good news/bad news scenarios.  There is that part of us that has grown cynical and whenever we hear something good we assume there is a downside.  We wait for the other shoe to drop.  For everything we are given we figure two things will be taken away.  Well, this morning I have some good news and some…better news!  Our text is found in Acts chapter 13.

Text: Acts 13:1-12

Dr. Luke is telling us of the continuing ministry of Jesus through his body the church.
Acts 1:8 – outlines the book for us.
“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost part     of the earth.”

We have seen how God sovereignly orchestrated the church’s progress through the hatred of its enemies.  Those who despised the message of the Son of God and who sought to silence the voice of the church only managed to amplify the church’s voice.  Persecution and martyrdom only served to fan the flame.  The church and its message was spreading dramatically.
The Lord who had been adding to the church was now multiplying the church.  Due to the martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7) the church was scattered from Jerusalem into Judea and even Samaria.  Philip was used greatly of God to bring revival among the Samaritans and then to bring the Gospel to the Ethiopian eunuch.  Peter was dramatically called of God to take the Gospel to a Gentile named Cornelius.

The Gospel then spread to the Decapolis or “ten cities” region and finally to Antioch.  Now we come to the launching of the third phase of the mission movement of the church.  The Gospel has moved from Jerusalem to Judea.  From Judea into Samaria.  It has come to the Gentiles but now it is going to be launched to the Gentile world.

Let’s look at our text – Acts 13:1-12.

As we explore this text we are going to discover that:

Thesis: The work of God in missions is good news to those who know Him and even better news to those who do not yet know Him.

  1. First, good news to the saved: God has graciously chosen to use you in taking this glorious Gospel to the world.  (13:1-5)
  2. Finally, I want us to consider the even better news to those who do not know Christ: God has graciously brought this message to you!  (13:6-12)

Are you here today without Christ?  Have you never turned form your sin and trusted in Christ and Christ alone?  Have you never responded in faith and obedience?  Has there not been repentance?  He is pursuing you.  He is calling you.  No obstacle will stand in his way.  Look to Christ today.  Believe on the Lord Jesus now.  Look to Jesus and live.

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