A Portrait of Sin

This exposition of Genesis 4:1-11, by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday evening, February 23, 2014.


In case you haven’t noticed there is a growing animosity toward biblical faith and those who practice it.  Now you’re thinking, “Duh?”  “No pastor we haven’t noticed that.  We’ve been asleep for the past 20 years!”  I know that you are aware of those groups in society who mock and ridicule the faith.  You are aware of those who seek to rob us of our freedom to practice our faith.  Those who would suggest that separation of church and state includes the separation of God from government.  Those who say you have no right to “shove your religion down their throats.”  Never mind the fact that they are free to shove their agenda down yours!  Christian television and radio have done a good job of making all of us aware of that animosity.  I’m talking about that within the Christian community.  I’m talking about those who claim to be followers of the Lord Jesus and yet attack those who affirm the truth and reliability of the Scripture.  Those who deny the foundational truths of the faith.  They deny the lostness of man.  They see no need of redemption.  They claim it is ludicrous to preach that Jesus was our substitute who died in our place.  He didn’t redeem us – he set a good example for us!  Jesus was not the Sovereign One made flesh – but rather a good-hearted, well-intentioned teacher who was greatly misunderstood and maligned.  Don’t kid yourself – this is the attitude of a growing number of folks within the church!

Granted a great number of these folks are teaching in our colleges and seminaries but more and more are sitting in our pews.  While the vast majority of Southern Baptist folk would outright reject these false notions.  While they would hold to the orthodox statements of the church – on a practical level they really don’t believe those doctrines.  Sure they believe in the doctrine of Hell – but they are sure no one they know is heading there.  I’m convinced that the crying need of the hour is for a return to sound orthodox doctrine and practice!  We must not only believe the truth but also “hold” to the truth.  Sure we know what sin is and we know that sin separates us from God – but tonight I want us to examine sin and its consequences.  And let’s start at the beginning – in Genesis.

Text: Genesis 4:1-11

Here again there are those who would have us believe that the opening chapters of Genesis are not reliable.  They are merely religious fables.  Sure there may be some religious truth communicated but it’s not actual history and certainly not to be taken literally.  Only a theological bumpkin would insist on a literal understanding.  Put me down in the bumpkin category!

I believe the opening chapters of Genesis are historical reality.  It is true – truth!
God did create the world.

Great lessons are learned from these early chapters.
God is the self-existent, self-sufficient, eternal One.
Creator and sustainer of all.
Man and woman are the result of the special creative work of God.
Made in the image and likeness of God.
Created for fellowship with God.
Made to live in relationship.
Sin is real – and its effects are devastating.

Tonight we are going to consider the story of Cain and Abel.
I want us to see:

Cain: A Portrait of Sin’s Devastation.

There are four things I want us to note in our text.

  1. Sin shatters dreams  (4:1)
  2. Sin perverts the Gospel.  (4:2-7)
  3. Sin corrupts the heart.  (4:8-9)
  4. Sin brings devastating consequences.
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