God Honoring Ministry

God Honoring Ministry: 2015 Malachi #3. An exposition of Malachi 2:1-9. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday evening, August 30, 2015.


It’s a fun game and any number can play.  In fact the more the merrier but two can play it just as well.  You can’t help but get “caught up” in the game.  It doesn’t require any cards or board or dice – and you don’t even keep score!  You say you’ve never heard of such a game?  Sure you have.  I’m confident that you’ve played it.  Now, I don’t know what you call it – but I call it, “Whatever happened to…?”  It’s that game where you and your family or some friends set around and talk about what “used to be.”  I know you’ve played it with your parents or grandparents.  You really do need at least one senior adult in the game.  Sometimes the game is sad.  Sometimes it is funny.  Sometimes serious and occasionally it is painful.

Reading the second chapter of Malachi sounds like a sad and painful game of “Whatever happened to?”  If you listen carefully you can hear the prophet’s voice crack as he wonders, “Whatever happened to faithfulness, commitment, loyalty and godliness?”  The chapter naturally divides in two parts – the first dealing with the priests and the last half dealing with marriage.  I want to focus on the opening verses.

Text: Malachi 2:1-9

Malachi, the burdened messenger of God, came with a stinging rebuke of the priests.
Remember it was a time of moral and spiritual decay.
In a time of relative ease the people were coasting spiritually.
Worship was a mere formality.
Their service was devoid of heart and passion.
They appeared very religious but examination proves it was superfluous.

It must be noted that this word is aimed specifically at the priests.
Certainly there is application to the nation as a whole but the focus is on the leadership.
Malachi addresses those responsible for spiritual oversight.

It seems that service to God had become “routine.”
It was broad and general rather than narrow and specific.
The focus was on appearance rather than truth and depth.

It is apparent in Malachi’s message, God is concerned with the how as well as the what of worship and service.  I’m convinced there is a direct application to the church today.  How often are we concerned about the “how”?  We spend a disproportionate amount of time on asking – “What will it take to get them” and virtually no time asking, “How shall we go about it?
What must our heart be in the process?  Is this method godly?  Does it honor Christ and the Gospel?  Are we the people we should be?  Is our heart right?  Are we walking in obedience to Him?”  It seems to me, if we are not careful, we become like the Pharisees that Jesus described in Matthew 23:15
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.”

I recognize this is harsh language but there are times when we must ask the hard question.  We must be willing to examine ourselves in the mirror of God’s holy demands and see how me measure up.

When you read Malachi you get some idea of why they killed the prophets!
You also begin to understand why Malachi referred to his message as a burden.

I also want to say this message is for me.
It is a message for those of us who are in leadership – preaching, teaching, shepherding.
And it is for you because we are to maintain biblical standards for ministry.
It is your responsibility as a member of this fellowship to demand God-honoring ministry.

There are two things I want to call to your attention from this text.

  1. First, note the dangers of a godless ministry.
    Let’s note the indicators of a godless ministry:
    A. Failure to “hear” God’s Word – 2:2
    B. A failure to center ministry on the glory of God – 2:2
    C. A failure to walk in his ways – 2:8a
    D. A failure to faithfully teach the truth – 2:8b
    E. A failure to remain true to your calling – 2:8
    F. A failure to proclaim God’s Word without fear or favor – 2:9
  2. Second, note the demands of a godly ministry.
    What kind of ministry honors God?
    Three things are involved.
    A. Faithful instruction – 2:6-7
    B. Genuine godliness – 2:6-7
    C. Compassionate service – 2:6-7


I’m all for doing what we can to reach as many as we can for Christ.
I’m in favor of pursuing all kinds of ministries to care for as many as possible.
Yes, let’s be all things to all people, so that by all means, we may save some” –

But let us not neglect the difficult questions.  Let us not forget to examine our hearts, our motives, our perspectives and our methods – are they godly?  Do they honor Christ?

Unlike the priests of old – may we listen to His Word; give ourselves to the glory of His name; walk before him; rightly declare his truth; remain faithful to our call.

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