The Necessity of a Biblical Doctrine of God

An Exposition of 1 KingsThe Necessity of a Biblical Doctrine of God: 1 Kings #24. This is an exposition of 1 Kings 20:1-43. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday evening, September 13, 2015.


Doctrine matters.  What you believe directly affects how you live.  Your doctrine determines your response to the world around you, your response to hardships you encounter and the choices you make on a daily basis.  A muddled understanding of God leads to poor decisions and ungodly responses.  It is essential that we have an accurate understanding of who God is and what He demands of us.  Thus, contrary to popular opinion, doctrine is very practical.  In addition we have to acknowledge everyone is a theologian.  Everyone has ideas about God and they speak and live out those ideas.  So the question is, “Is your theology correct?  Is it in keeping with the Scripture?  Is your theology biblical?”  We get our theology not just from those “teaching” passages in the Scripture but from the biblical narrative or the “stories” of the Bible.  This evening we learn some valuable theological truths from the 20th chapter of 1 Kings.

Text: 1 Kings 20:1-43

We are in the middle of Ahab’s story.
We are introduced to him back in 1 Kings 16.
We learn from the beginning that he set a new mark in wickedness!

1 Kings 16:30 – “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD, more than all who were before him.”

He and his wife, Jezebel, brought the worship of Baal into the official life of the nation.
Built a temple and altar to Baal.
Imported priest to serve that temple.
Ahab despised the word of God.
Ahab’s corruption brought the judgment of God – 3.5 years of drought.
There was that God contest at Mt. Carmel – Baal was publicly humiliated.
Jezebel’s wicked heart was enraged toward the prophet Elijah.
All of that is important because of what we find in tonight’s text.

This is another vivid reminder that our God’s ways are not our ways, neither are His thoughts our thoughts.  Just when you think you have Him figured out He throws you a curve.  He just will not fit into your box no matter how hard you try.
1 Kings 20 tells the story of Ahab and Israel’s war with Ben-hadad and Syria.
Our God is making a statement in this text.
We see it in 20:13 and again in 20:28.
“You shall know that I Am the LORD.”

Not just that God is God – that was settled at Mt. Carmel.
But that God is Yahweh – specifically the covenant God of Israel.
That He is worthy of worship, submission and reverence (all the covenant demands).
This was a word to Ahab (the you in 20:28 is singular).
This is part of the judgment on Ahab – he will be without excuse.
He was given evidence.

As we work our way through the text we discover that…

Thesis: 1 Kings 20 reminds us of our need for a clear biblically accurate doctrine of God.

There are three (3) things I want to call to your attention.

  1. We need to grasp the astounding, surprising, and “wasteful” grace of God.  (20:1-22)
  2. We need to get a handle on the unbounded power and authority of God. (20:23-30)
  3. We need to come to grips with the sovereign and sobering judgment of God. (20:31-43)Conclusion:
    What affect did this have on Ahab?

    20:43 – And the king of Israel went to his house vexed and sullen and came to Samaria.
    Enraged at the prophet and exasperated against God.
    It further hardened his cold, dead heart.

    We need a biblical doctrine of God.
    One that celebrates His surprising grace.
    One that stands in awe of His unbounded power and authority.
    One that trembles before His sovereign and sober judgment.

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