Gospel Preaching

Gospel Preaching: A Study of 1 John #02

1 JohnThis is an exposition of 1 John 1:5-10. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, October 11, 2015.


It is a bit overwhelming.  Our rapidly changing culture with its degenerating morals means the work of the church is more vital than ever!  The church’s role as salt and light is desperately needed today.  The Judeo-Christian worldview upon which our Republic was founded is slipping into minority status.  The ethics and values that once dominated the American landscape are fading into the background.  In its place is a rationalistic, morally neutral, worldview.  A worldview that claims tolerance as its highest virtue while seeking to silence, if not eradicate, any view that differs from the new norm.  People of faith who have deeply held convictions are seen as “dangerous.”  Robert Reich, a self-proclaimed liberal and former Clinton cabinet member, wrote a book entitled – Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America.  In the book Reich warns of the dangers of evangelical Christians and their forcing their morality down the nation’s throat.  Of grave concern for Reich and others like him – is the radical right’s (that includes those of us who hold to the authority of Scripture) views of “moral absolutes” and our “theory of evil.”  Bible-believing folk are more dangerous than Muslim extremist and our views are dangerous if allowed to prevail.

This is the culture in which we live.  The church is being marginalized.  What is the solution?  What do we do?  We are in an election cycle and by all means I believe it is your Christian duty to register and to vote.  I believe we must speak to the issues.  We must faithfully and consistently declare the truth of the Scripture with regards to moral issues.  But we are not a political machine.  We are not a political party.  We are not a special interest group – we are the church of the Lord Jesus – thus our primary function is what it has always been – to preach the Gospel.

Pressure abounds from every side to do anything but what we’ve been called to do.  While I believe the enemy of our souls is bound and determined to disrupt the work of the church by whatever means he can – I do not question the heart, the motive or the intent of those in the church growth movement who seek to win as many as possible to Christ.  I do believe however, whether intentional or not – often the result of their efforts is a watering down and thus a weakening of the Gospel.  I do not question the sincerity of those who seek to influence the political process through organizing and rallying the troops to influence the culture – but not to the neglect of our primary task.  We are called to preach Christ.  In the midst of a pagan culture hostile to biblical faith we are to preach Christ.  In an environment that seeks to silence our voice and decries “proselytizing” other faiths we are to preach Christ.  The hope of the church, indeed the hope of the world is found in Christ.  We must preach the Gospel.  Our text this morning is found in the first chapter of 1 John.

Text: 1 John 1:5-10

John the beloved is writing to some spiritual children.
These are folks he dearly loves and he is encouraging them in the face of persecution.

His purpose is to reminded them of who they are and what kind of world they live in (5:19); bring them assurance about their life in Christ (5:13); and make their joy complete (1:4).

He says in the preface (1:1-4) that he is writing that they may have fellowship with believers and with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  Now he moves to talking about how that is possible.  And what is required for such fellowship.

As we explore this passage we discover that:

Thesis: Gospel preaching demands that we declare both the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man.

Truths that are not well received in today’s world – especially the second half.
Most folks, though they do not understand the implications, would agree that God is holy.
Most are willing to grant that there is a “being” above and beyond us.
And most would allow that he is morally superior.
But, increasingly, folks balk at the second proposition – “man is sinful.”

You will note that John begins with – “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you…”

The message that was from the beginning.
The message that they heard, saw, beheld and studied.
The message that brings eternal life and fellowship.

This message begins with a two-pronged foundation.

  1. Behold the beauty, the purity and the holiness of God.  (1:5)
  2. The sinfulness of man.  (1:6-10)

John proceeds to set the record straight – note “If we say” – 6, 8, 10.

  1. You cannot claim fellowship with God when your life is characterized by unrighteousness.  (1:6-7)
  2. You cannot walk in fellowship with God and believe that you are without sin.  (1:8-9)
  3. You cannot know God and deny the reality of sin.  (1:10)
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