You Can Make a Difference!

You Can Make a Difference!: Nehemiah #2

An exposition of Nehemiah 2:1-8. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday evening, October 25, 2015.


You’ve no doubt heard the expression, “He is an impact player.”  That means this person is one whose ability profoundly effects the game.  His presence is felt.  I always wanted to be an impact player.  I wanted by presence to known on the field.  Unfortunately I was not an impact player…at least not in the way I wanted to impact the game.  My presence was felt.  I was voted most valuable player on 3 opposing teams!  In spite of my ability or lack thereof I desired to make a difference.  I dreamed of being that guy.  There is something within each of us that wants to leave a lasting impression on the world.  Even if we do not feel like an impact player we want to believe the world is different because of our having been here.

That desire is consistent with the call of God on our lives.  Those of us who possess life in Christ are called to be salt and light.  That means we are called to impact our community.  We are called to make a difference.  Salt seeks to slow dow the decaying process and light exposes evil and corruption.  If we are salt and light our community will be different.  Of course there are times when the task is overwhelming.  Times when making a difference seems out of reach.  There are times when we look at the world and say, “What difference can I make?  I’m just one person.  There’s only so much I can do.”  The Old Testament book of Nehemiah proves to be a source of great encouragement when it comes to making a difference.

The year was 445 BC.
Nehemiah who was cupbearer to king Artexerxes of Persia.
That meant he enjoyed a life of wealth, luxury, influence and power.
Yet his heart was in Jerusalem.
He was burdened about his homeland and the exiles who had gone home.

When some men returned to Susa from  Jerusalem Nehemiah made inquiries about Jerusalem and the status of those who had survived the exile.  The report was not good.  The people were, “in great trouble and disgrace.”

Nehemiah was devastated.
Though he was 1000 miles away and “unaffected” by their plight he wept, mourned and prayed.
During this time he assessed the damage, accepted responsibility, and sought the hand of God.
Nehemiah was a man of courage, conviction and perseverance.

His character is best summed up in Nehemiah 5 and Nehemiah 2:15.  There we learn that previous governors of Judah had placed undue burdens on the people but Nehemiah refused to do so because of his, “fear of God.”  Nehemiah was a man of God.  His life demonstrates for us the power of the individual, yielded to the hand of God, to make a difference in their world.  Our text this evening is found in Nehemiah Nehemiah 2.

Text: Nehemiah 2:1-8

As we explore the second chapter of Nehemiah a timeless principle emerges from the opening verses.  Here we discover that…

Thesis: When you submit to Christ, yield to His timing, understand the task assigned and trust His provision you can impact your world for the glory of God.

Nehemiah was a man of flesh and bone.
He was not a super hero.
He was  not unusually gifted.
He was an average man in the service of an extraordinary God.

A man called of God, equipped by God and used for the glory of God.  As we look at his life we will discover 3 characteristics of a person of impact.  Do you want to make a difference?  Do you want your life to count?  Consider the life of this servant.

  1. For your life to count you must patiently yield to the LORD’s timing.  (2:1)
  2. For your life to count you must possess a genuine sense of mission and purpose.  (2:2-3)
  3. For your life to count you must proceed with absolute confidence in God’s gracious provision.  (2:4-8)

Do you want to be an impact player?  Do you want to leave your mark?

You must yield to the LORD’s timing.
You must possess a genuine sense of mission and purpose.
You must trust in God’s gracious provision.

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